Upwords - Method
We have the methods and tools to get you to the goal!
Upwords develops communication paths aimed at improving your relationships. We increase your confidence in front of people by teaching you to recognize and manage the anxiety of communicating in public, leading you to be a competent communicator.

Innovative tools!
With Upwords you can concretely affect your emotional state and your communication skills by obtaining the theoretical and practical knowledge of public speaking techniques
One of the greatest difficulties for a public speaking consultant and trainer is to concretely translate the real situation in which the person will have to communicate.
By immersing yourself in virtual reality you can overcome your fears and directly measure your reactions to stimuli.
Let's match!
Through a first cognitive interview (clearly free) we will investigate the customer's starting point, the objectives to be achieved, the availability of time and together we will choose the most suitable communication path in line with the objectives. The courses will mix many practical exercises with pills of knowledge of the world of communication.
We practice together aiming for excellence!
When you are faced with the real situation, your brain will automatically be aware of the situation and your level of confidence will be noticed right away.
A unique experience!
Upwords will make immersion in the context as real as possible: we will create specific questions that the virtual audience will ask you during and after your speech, we will create a serene or hostile listeners to challenge you and "raise the bar" of difficulty.
We will make sure that the situation is as similar as possible to the one you will face!
Thanks to Virtual Reality you will be immersed in a detailed, realistic and customizable scenario in which you can face a conference, a job interview, a meeting between colleagues or a training.
You will receive instant feedback on communication performance by measuring and evaluating the use of gestures, voice control, eye contact and space management.
A specific protocol for a lasting result.
The Upwords method is totally customer centric. We develop individual paths in order to have a concrete impact on the life of those who attend them.

Knowing the person and sharing goals are the basis for identifying your needs.

We design the most suitable path to follow to achieve the result set in the identification phase.

We implement the best techniques to achieve the result with a continuous exchange of feedback for lasting change over time.
Communicate without borders!
Upwords also provides courses in Spanish and English.
Communicate effectively to your overseas customers!
Are you facing a presentation, meeting, sale or interview in English or Spanish?
Let's build your performance together!
Thanks to a strategic and specific preparation, it will not be necessary to look like a native speaker and to know the grammar rules by heart to be effective.
We plan, elaborate and practice your performance so that it is effective and incisive to the top.
Find out what we can do together!
Our goal is to give the customer more than what they need. We don't stop at the request, but we always try to enrich it with more knowledge and more practice!