Upwords - Pathways


The right path for every need!

Upwords does not want to be a course that leaves a nice notebook inserted in some drawer of the house. Each path is built on the person: to needs, necessities, insecurities, certainties, goals!


We aim for the quality of relationships!

Managing any business has become an act of heroism nowadays. The modern entrepreneur is constantly put to the test from a communication point of view, by numerous challenges: management of private life, management of collaborators, customers, suppliers; these are all complex practices that require strong communication skills for those who want to focus on the quality of their relationships.


A strategic asset!

It is now unanimously agreed that communication is an added value, the right competence to deal with everyday working life. Learning and practicing the techniques to communicate strategically will help the entrepreneur and the professional to acquire greater authority, greater self-confidence and greater credibility towards collaborators, customers and family members. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a manager, a startupper or a professional, if communicating is a relevant part of your business, this service is yours.




Practice your reality by learning to really communicate!

Nowadays, It is clear to everyone: among work colleagues, parents, children, partners, friends, we experience multiple social interactions every day.

Each of us can improve their communication skills and choosing to improve them means choosing a life in which we act directly on reality, without being dominated by it.

Anything can be said if communicated correctly. The famous sociologist and philosopher Bauman (2006) argued that behind the failure of a relationship there is almost always a communication failure.


Talk or communicate?

Each of us lives on relationships every day. We are often convinced that we are communicating, when in reality we are "just talking". Speaking and communicating are two distinct actions: when we speak we do it without a real final goal; when you communicate, you do it with a strategy aimed at conquering an objective.


If you believe that conscious and strategic communication can help improve your relationships (work, love, friendships), this service is yours.



Domina la tua realtà imparando a comunicare davvero!

È chiaro a tutti, ormai: tra colleghi di lavoro, genitori, figli, partners, amici, viviamo ogni giorno molteplici interazioni sociali.

Ognuno di noi può migliorare le proprie capacità comunicative e scegliere di migliorarle significa scegliere una vita in cui si agisce direttamente sulla realtà, senza farsi dominare da essa.

Qualunque cosa può essere detta, se comunicata nel modo corretto. Il famoso sociologo e filosofo Bauman (2006) sosteneva che dietro il fallimento di una relazione c’è quasi sempre un fallimento di comunicazione.


Parlare o comunicare?

Ognuno di noi vive quotidianamente di relazioni. Spesso siamo convinti di comunicare, quando in realtà stiamo “solamente parlando”. Parlare e comunicare sono due azioni distinte: quando si parla lo si fa senza un reale obiettivo finale; quando si comunica lo si fa con una strategia volta alla conquista di un obiettivo.


Se credi che una comunicazione consapevole e strategica possa contribuire a migliorare le tue relazioni (lavoro, affetti, amicizie), questo servizio è il tuo.




We invest today in the communicators of tomorrow!

Western oratory art comes from us. Ancient Greeks and ancient Romans understood the importance of educating to communicate. Creating a path of communicative awareness of the student will provide skills not only useful for the world of work, but also for that of daily relationships.


Communicate to be successful.

By learning the main communication strategies, the student will be able to present themselves in the best possible way, to communicate ideas and thoughts in the classroom and outside the classroom, to increase their self-esteem and self-confidence by transmitting the value of orality.


If you think it is important to train students today to be the competent communicators of tomorrow, this service is yours.



There is definitely the right one for you!

Each of us can have a good reason to improve communication skills. Aim for a career promotion, improve your sales skills, improve the relationship with your partner, improve the relationship with your collaborators, improve team management skills, improve presentation skills, improve self-esteem and self-confidence.

Communication consultant

It provides for total consultancy and communication training with full availability established in the initial phase. As you rely on a lawyer, a labor consultant or an accountant, the goal is to support the person for a constant period of time, which varies according to needs, for the management of interpersonal communication and relationships. Path particularly suitable for entrepreneurs and freelancers. This path does not include online consultancy, but only in presence.

Competent communicator

It includes a complete and detailed theoretical and practical path. 

The goal is to raise the person's communication skills.

Path particularly suitable for those who feel insecure to communicate in front of people.

The expected training is a fairly long time (a few months) for the complete achievement of the objectives. This path does not include online consultancy, but only in presence.

Up public speaking (individual)

It provides a super immersive and practical path to convey the pillars of public speaking.

Path particularly suitable for those who already have good communication bases and want to strengthen their skills as a communicator and their communicative identity.

This path can also take place online.

Up public speaking (in group)

It provides a course built ad hoc on the starting points of the participants with the alternation of practical moments with theoretical concepts.

The minimum number of participants is eight. This course can also take place online.


Corporate training

What value do you give to the communication of your collaborators? How important is it to strategically communicate an idea, product or vision?

Specific path to be set entirely with the company on the basis of objectives, needs and availability.

Training schools/institutes

Let's train the communicators of tomorrow today!

It provides a specific path to be set up entirely with the institute on the basis of objectives, needs and availability.

Concept and production of texts

Let's write your speech together. 

A meeting, a presentation, a wedding, a video, a degree, a declaration of love.

The way you communicate can make a difference. Advice also available online.


Planning, ideation, presentation

Let's build your presentation together. From the choice of the presentation tool (Power Point, Keynote, Prezi) to the strategies to enhance communication performance. Advice also available online.

Pre-stage preparation

How to best prepare before the presentation. What to keep under control, the exercises to do, what to do a few days before and what to do a few minutes before.Consultancy also available online.

CV preparation and job interview

How to best present yourself to a selection interview? Let's build it together step by step.

We prepare your CV, the cover letter and simulate the job interview together. Advice also available online.

Non-verbal communication training

You know exactly what to say, but would you like to appear more casual when communicating?

We work in detail on the non-verbal approach (gestures, posture, spaces, facial expressions). Advice also available online.

People selection

How hard is it to find the right person? There are numerous aspects that do not appear in any CV but which are essential for any business.

Together we select the right figure for your reality, for your values and for the figure you are looking for. Advice also available online.